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Ƣ迎光(f)上v庙航包装U技有限公司 全国联系热线:400-003-7733
首页 关于我们 产品及服?/a> 新闻中心 联系我们
庙航介绍/About MH
ȝ理致?General Manager’s speech
  • 真诚感谢(zhn)对庙航包装U技的关注与支持Qƈ与我们一赯证包装业的发展q,一h受庙航h“务实、严谨、创新、卓?/em>的企业精,共同分n庙航的发展成和展望中国包装业未来发展之路?/div> Sincerely thank you for your concern and support to MH Packaging technology ! Thank you for being with us! We together witness the growing of packing industry; we together feel the enterprise spirit of MH peopleQpragmatism, preciseness, innovation and excellence; and we together share MH’s development achievements and map the future of China’s packing industry.
  • 三十q风雨兼E,三十q披荆斩? 一路走来,我们不断学习不断成长?br> 我们彷Lq、低潮过Q但我们始终坚定“全心全意服务客户?/em>的理c感? 客户们对我们的信M帮助Q感恩供应商l我们的支持与配合,感激员工们对 企业的理解与付出。一路向前,我们携手奋进Q?br> 开启新征程Q我们需要智慧与谋略?br> 站上新高点,我们需要勤奋与创新?br> 面对新时代下的新形势、新机遇Q我们必L出新作风、新成就Q不忘初心? 砥砺前行Q?br> 庙航的荣׃我共享! 庙航的未来你我共创!
    In the last 30 years, we marched forward through trials and hardships, through brambles and thorns. We keep learning and growing.
    We once hesitated, depressed,but we never discarded our faith of “serving our customers wholeheartedly? Sincere thanks to our customers for trusting and helping us; sincere thanks to our suppliers for supporting and cooperating with us; sincere thanks to our employees for understanding and devoting themselves to the enterprise. We keep on moving forward. Let’s press ahead hand in hand!
    To start a new journey, we need wisdom and strategy.
    To add a new milestone, we need diligence and innovation.
    To adapt to the new situation and to seize the new opportunity in the new era, we have no choice but to update our working styles and make new achievements! Stay true to ourselves. We forge ahead.
    We MH people share the same honor and disgrace! We MH people create the future of ourselves!
企业文化/Cooperate Culture
  • 企业文化是庙航核心竞争力的重要组成部分,是实现庙航持l健康发展的强大动力Q在三十多年的努力发展中Q庙航Ş成了自己Ҏ(gu)的文化体p,低流动性高凝聚力,每一个庙航h都一个情怀、都有一份夙愿,望看到庙航再ơv航?
    MH’s cooperate culture is an important part of its core competitiveness, also a strong impetus of its steady and healthy development. After 30-year striving, MH forms a cultural system of its own. With low staff mobility and high group cohesion, each MH people has a feeling, a wish, hoping Miaohang may create another glory.
  • 企业定位Q?/em>中国最佳的包装解决Ҏ(gu)智造商
    Positioning: the best packaging solutions provider and intelligent manufacturer in China
  • 企业愿景Q?/em>~造行业领先的包装企业 成就庙航癑ֹ的民族品?/div> Vision: Be a leading packing enterprise; build a century-old national brand
  • 企业使命Q?/em>助客户发? 携员工成? 促社会进?/div> Mission: assist customer development; accompany employee growth; promote social progress
  • l营宗旨Q?/em>和●? p
    Management aim: cooperation & win-win
  • 企业_Q?/em>务实 严} 创新 卓越
    Enterprise spirit: pragmatism, preciseness, innovation and excellence
  • 人才理念Q?/em>h为标? 业W?/div> Talent concept: morality and capability count, performance prevails.
资质荣誉/Honors & Qualifications
  • 庙航Z敬业拼搏、奋发有为的_Q在市场l济的大潮中做好自己、强化自己。靠一份踏实、一丝谦卑和一w汗水赢得了众多的荣誉。从政府ȝ部门的肯定到同行的认同,日益增多的荣誉成为庙航发展壮大的助推器,推动着庙航不断向更灿烂的辉煌昂首迈q?
    We MH people are dedicated, enthusiastic and pursing better and stronger ourselves in the tide of the market economy. By virtue of pragmatism, humility, and diligence, we are awarded by government authorities and acknowledged by the peers. Those honors inspire us to step forward boldly.